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Living Hope Free Methodist Church


We are a Free Methodist Church which means we believe in freedom -- freedom to live the life God gives us to live and invite others to live life too!  We're so glad you stopped by and hope you will extend to us the privilege of joining us at any activity.  You're welcome!  


So, what are Free Methodists? 
In 1784 the Methodist Episcopal Church was founded by John Wesley in England. The movement was so successful that came to America and became "middle-class." While it still did some wonderful things, its original commitment to the poor began to wane. While this by itself was not enough to cause a tipping point, slavery, the oppressing of another person of another race because of their color, was the cause of a tipping point among other things. Finally, in 1860, BT Roberts becomes the first bishop of the newly formed Free Methodist Church. This would be a denomination that would be committed to all of God's people being free, every woman being free to serve God as they are gifted to serve, and the every church will be free, regardless of color, sex, or economic status.  All are free; all are welcome.  



We love God. We love people. We love God because he loves us. We live people because God loves people. We make disciples. We show people we love them by making them disciples.  We show God we love him by making people he loves disciples who love him (Matthew 22:37-40, 28:19-20)


We invite all into a transforming relationship with Jesus so all can serve God, eath other, and their community. 

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